Terrorism: April 16, 2002


On 11 April, the Interfax news agency cited an anonymous source in the Russian security services that the Jordanian warlord Khattab was killed as the result of an intelligence and combat operation by the FSB (Federal Security Service). During this un-dated operation, an Arab agent hired by a security service of an unnamed CIS states was employed to 'liquidate' Khattab.

Khattab has not been seen nor heard on the airwaves in the last two months.
Considering that there were repeated reports in 2001 and 2002 that the warlord had been killed, Aleksandr Kolosov (a senior officer of the Chechen Republic's FSB public relations group) told the press that they wouldn't be convinced until Khattab's body had been found and identified. - Adam Geibel


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