India-Pakistan: April 29, 2003


  In Kashmir, a fierce battle between rebels and soldiers left 13 rebels and six soldiers dead.

In Pakistan, police arrested six suspected members of al Qaeda. The men were accused of planning a major terrorist attack in Pakistan. Also seized were 330 pounds of explosives, 200 detonators, weapons and ammunition. One of those arrested was wanted for involvement of the October, 2000 bombing of the American destroyer USS Cole. 

In northwestern Pakistan, two rockets were fired at the offices of foreign air organizations. Like the Taliban across the border in Afghanistan, many local tribesmen are very hostile to foreigners or modern ideas. 

Pakistan has adopted the policy of blaming India for the infiltration of Islamic militants from Pakistan into Kashmir along the 767 kilometer Line of Control. Pakistan says that India has enough troops up there to stop infiltrators. But most of the border snakes through mountains and forests, with plenty of places to hide.  




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