Attrition Article Archive 2011


Why Indian Pilot Training Is So DangerousMake It Work, Do It Fast, Or ElseGerman Army Recruits Quit
The USMC Has Something To Die ForThe MiG-21 Curse ContinuesA Solution Worse Than The Disease
Buying Your Way Out Of The Turkish ArmyThe Addictive Yet Deadly SpiceThe Forever Fighter
F-22s Uneasily Fly AgainThe Russian War On Bad HabitsHigh Speed Blackouts Are Deadly
F-22s Grounded AgainUnfit For DutyThe Heavy Cost Of The Arab Spring
The Baby Bust Buries The Russian ArmyA Lottery To Die ForShelter From The Storm
RIF Rules RevisedBrain ConditioningBritain Bleeds The Most In Afghanistan
China Slips Away From FailureThe Decline Of The IEDAfghanistan Less Deadly Than Iraq
Age + Neglect = DeathFemale TroublesThe Big Shrink Begins In Britain
Critical Care Where It Counts The MostLoud And Generally Not FatalSoaring Admission Standards
The Myth Of the Non-Lethal PirateUAV Aerial CollisionsForeign Wimps Fail At Jihad
Why 21st Century Warfare Is DifferentBahrain Hires Pakistani NukesCambodia Cleans Out The Pretenders
The RPG Miracle Shot In Afghanistan The Dim Red LineKiller Qualities
The Most Expensive Hangar Queens In HistoryQuality Has A Quantity All Its OwnRAF Fades Away
Heads Continue To RollAnother MiG-29 GroundingThe Religious Rot In Israel
Altitude SicknessWhat Has Changed?The Big Fade In Britain
One Bill Makes You Larger, One Bill Makes You SmallJoy Bullets And Death From AboveTsunami Destroys 15 Fighters
Suicide CentralSailors Mown Down By Paper BulletsCompact Medical Droids Go To Sea
Ballistic Underwear Conquers Afghanistan The Seat Of The ProblemRussia Agrees To Dump Conscription
Huey Hangs OnDishonorably HighMuscle Memory
The Truth Will Give You A HeadacheStrain, Pain And ProfilesFighter Squadron Taken Down By Earthquake
That Didn't Turn Out Too WellKickass In LibyaMladic Stands In The Way
Just In Case China InvadesKeystone Kops Of Kim's KoreaChild Killers Identified
Cutting The RAF PipelineLocation Is EverythingIt's Raining Su-25s
The Most Dangerous Adversary Is In Plain SightChinese Women Go Chase PiratesSweden Runs Out Of Soldiers
Continuing A Vile TraditionThe Regeneration Of The National GuardSaved By The Flying Gas Station
Why Optimal Manning Wasn'tHow American Troops Cheat DeathPatterns Of Terrorism Deaths In South Asia
Too Dumb To FightConscription Fades Away From Lack Of InterestBears Are Grounded



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