Air Weapons Article Archive 2009


Sidewinder Tweaked To Take Out Ground TargetsChina And Air Launched MissilesThe 70mm Curse
Buy American And Save MoneyAdvanced AMRAAM Attracts AdmirersAnother Chinese Clone
Spectre Gets A Brain UpgradeMore Lethal LaserGetting It Right
Finally, JDAMskiIran Saves The 70mm MissileAn Eyeful For Machinegunners
IRIS Stalks SidewinderSmall, Smart And UnwantedSAM Killer Faces Execution
Cut The Fancy Crap And Just Drop The Damn BombMust Have More Big Bombs, NOW!SLAM Set To Hunt SUVs
Chinese Gunship Killers Roam The StraitsRussia Hustles To Remain In The RaceThe King Of The 30mm Tribe
Sidewinder Falls Apart In FlightHarops For IndiaAir-To-Air Stinger
The Permanent Weapon Of The FutureHellfire Finds A Beechcraft HomeB-2 Gets The Biggest Bomb Of All
South Korea Gets The Big Bunker BusterDeath To Little BoatsArmed MV-22s In Afghanistan
97 Percent Fewer Bombs Being DroppedRun Silent, But Not BlindChina Seeks Heavenly Guidance
Unloved And UnusedLonger And SmarterLayers
Laser Precision And A Big BangTaiwan Rolls Its Own Smart BombsMessage In A Bottle
Damning The DIMEThe Little Wonder No One WantsLaser Precision In All Its Forms
Micro-JDAMSticking It To Hamas



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