Terrorism: May 20, 2003


The US donated $1 million worth of sophisticated security equipment (including modern baggage X-ray machines, walk-through metal detectors and explosive trace detectors) to Kenya. The equipment will be installed at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, Wilson airport, and Moi International Airport, Mombassa. 

Marine Major General John Sattler, the commander of the U.S.-led anti-terrorism task force, praised Kenya's minister of internal security Chris Murungaru, for his decision to warn the public of a renewed terrorist threat last week in Kenya. Sattler is due to hand over command to his Marine Corps peer, Brigadier General Mastin M. Robeson. 

The Djibouti-based task force has recently added three Kenyan officers to its staff, to improve communication and intelligence gathering along Kenya's porous border with Somalia. - Adam Geibel 


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