Terrorism: February 2, 2003


During a routine sweep for illegal immigrants, Italian police rounded up 28 Pakistanis suspected of being terrorists. Police found two pounds of dynamite, 165 feet of explosive fuse and various detonators, as well as hundreds of forged documents and maps of metropolitan Naples. Authorities said "sensitive targets" were circled with a pen but would not elaborate, while Italian news reports said the possible targets included the U.S. Consulate in Naples and nearby NATO bases. One map was to the town of Bagnoli (outside Naples), where the NATO southern headquarters is based. 

During the searches, authorities found circled photos in a Pakistani-language newspaper of Britain's Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, who was expected to visit Naples in mid-March. Boyce, head of the General Staff of Defense of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, is about to retire and was planning to make series of calls to military bases. Police first claimed that they had uncovered an ``Al Qaeda terrorist cell,'' but gave no further details on the suspects' alleged involvement with Al Qaeda or any other international terrorist group. - Adam Geibel


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