Terrorism: January 14, 2003


The Italian Navy destroyer Francesco Mimbelli and her crew of 400 left Taranto harbor for the Gulf of Aden, joining the French Navy's Aconit and the Spanish Navy's Canarias as a European squadron that will join the USS Mount Whitney at the end of the month. Along with the assets already in place, the Allies will have a floating naval warfare laboratory with which to work out their multinational tactics.

Francesco Mimbelli (D561) is a 5,000 ton,  multi-role warship commissioned in 1993. She can protect task forces and convoys with anti-aircraft fire, or perform anti-submarine and surface warfare operations (such as landing operations assistance and coastal bombardment). The 3,900 ton Canarias (F86) is  a Spanish modification of the US Navy's Perry-class FFG, launched in 1995, typically used as an aircraft carrier escort. The Aconit (F713) is a 3,500 ton La Fayette class multipurpose stealth frigate, with a complement of 15 officers, 85 petty officers and 53 sailors. The La Fayette-class frigates are the world's first operational warship designed from the keel up for stealth and survivability, specifically to operate with multinational task forces. - Adam Geibel


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