Terrorism: October 31, 2002


Yemen is becoming an active battleground in the war on terror. So far, the Yemeni police have arrested twenty men in connection with the suicide boat attack on the French tanker Limburg earlier this month. Police have traced the suicide boat back to a house where it was prepared and that's where they began to compile their list of suspects. And the pro-al Qaeda Yemenis are feeling the heat and retaliating. On the 29th, and anti-al Qaeda tribal leader had a rocket fired into his family compound. Earlier in the month, a house the tribal leader owns in the countryside was fired on as well. There is no shortage of weapons in Yemen, with estimates of some 60 million firearms in a country with a population of 20 million. The hardest part of cracking down on al Qaeda activity in Yemen is finding out which tribes are actually pro-al Qaeda. Most tribes won't discuss their true thoughts on the subject. 


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