Terrorism: February 10, 2002


The 9 February issue of the London Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper reported that the second edition of the Al-Qa'ida Organization's internet newsletter ("Al-Ansar") admitted for the first time its responsibility for the 'Invasion of New York', that 'Guerrilla Warfare' had started and described Bin Ladin as a 'Mujahid Imam'.

Abu-Ubayd al-Qarshi, suspected of being one of Usama Bin Ladin's closest aides, said that the organization was proud that it destroyed the three pillars of US strategic defense in the "11 September invasion [ghazwah]"; early warning, preemptive attack, and the principle of deterrence. 

The first and last lines of the last paragraph of the unnamed author's conclusion is telling - "As to the third pillar, that of deterrence, this principle is collapsing totally before people who do not care about life and are even thirsty for martyrdom. What can deter these people if death is their uppermost hope?" 

Obviously, the "Al-Ansar" author is unfamiliar with the American character. - Adam Geibel


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