Uganda: Show Me The Money


March 8,2008: Old rebel wars still cost money. The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) are currently in disarray, occasionally mounting small forays into western Uganda. However, the ADF was once a force with influence and the ability to challenge the government. That was back in the early 1990s. Now Ugandans who had relatives killed during the ADF rebellion want the Ugandan government to "compensate" them for losses. The ADF was particularly active in Uganda's Kibaale district. The government hasn't got that much money. The Ugandan peacekeepers in Somalia are costing more than the government can afford, and money is being sought from the UN to keep the force going.

March 5, 2008: The government and the LRA claim they are about to sign a final peace deal, but many Ugandans remain skeptical. The talks have been going on in some form or another since 2006. The LRA has yet to fully demobilize. The critics, of course, have good reason to be suspicious. LRA senior commander Joseph Kony has never appeared at the peace talks, which leaves him with some "wiggle room" in any peace agreement. Kony says he can't show up as long as he remains under indictment by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Uganda is also catching flak from NGO organizations. Uganda has agreed to try Kony in a Ugandan court. NGOs like Amnesty International say this internal agreement "circumvents international law." Ironically, in this case the ICC indictment hinders peace negotiations and reconciliation efforts – if you happen to believe Kony wants peace.

March 1, 2008: The government and the LRA reached a series of agreements that mediators claim will "frame" a final peace agreement.

February 27, 2008: The LRA once again condemned the International Criminal Court arrest warrants for several senior LRA leaders. The LRA has asked the government (its enemy) to demand that the ICC drop the warrants. An LRA spokesman said the warrants had to be dropped if there was going to be a final peace agreement.