Uganda: Terrorists Living Off the Refugees


February 1, 2006: The fighting in northern Uganda has created a permanent "internal refugee" problem. The UN and NGOs operating in Ugandan now estimate that there are 1.3 million IDPs (internally displaced persons) in northern Uganda. There are approximately 200 IDP camps in northern Uganda (specifically in the Kitgum, Pader, Apac, Lirs and Gulu districts). The LRA frequently raid the IDP camps for supplies and slaves.

January 31, 2006: The Ugandan government claimed that LRA rebel commander Vincent Otti remains in hiding inside the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

January 30, 2006: The Ugandan military said that its forces killed five LRA rebels in a firefight that took place in south Sudan. Ugandan troops frequently operate in south Sudan, with the permission of the Sudanese government. A Ugandan military spokesman said that the Ugandan Army was conducting an "intensified" operation against the LRA along the Uganda-Sudan border.