Uganda: Disarming the Tribes


October 1, 2005: The Ugandan government has long sought international condemnation of the LRA, particularly a declaration that the LRA is a criminal organization. The International Criminal Court ICC), which was set up to prosecute international cases of genocide, will soon issue criminal indictments of LRA leaders.

September 28, 2005: The UN confirmed that Uganda's Entebbe International Airport will be used as a base to deploy UN peacekeeping troops in southern Sudan. The Entebbe Airport is capable of handling very large transport aircraft, including 747 freighters.

September 27, 2005: The government (with UN observers) destroyed 3000 small arms. Most of the weapons were either collected or seized by Ugandan troops in the Karamoja region. The Karamoja tribe has been involved in several minor skirmishes with the army. The well-armed tribe also conducted several cattle raids against neighboring tribes. Three years ago the government began a serious program aimed at removing automatic weapons from the area. The government says there are 50,000 illegal weapons in the Karamoja region.

September 25, 2005: Army pressure has driven most of the LRA out of northern Uganda, with the remnants fleeing to southern Sudan and eastern Congo.




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