Uganda: November 11, 2002


The Ugandan Army keeps chipping away at Joseph Kony's rebels. The chief intelligence officer for operations in both northern part of the country and southern Sudan, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Otema, told AFP that a half-hour battle in Agengo village, resulted in 12 dead LRA rebels and two soldiers killed. Four soldiers were wounded and seven firearms recovered in the 9 November firefight. The UPDF had set an ambush for this rebel group as they dispersed after a security meeting at Olam. At 11.00 on 8 November, the UDPF killed an unnamed female LRA commander, another  officer (identified as LT Kipwala) and his aide, CPL Lakere Obole. That same day, in two separate engagements, one rebel was killed and another surrendered with his captive.

Meanwhile, LRA "sleeper cell" support groups in London, having failed to win the hearts and minds of Ugandan expatriates in London, have implied threats to some key pro-government individuals via an anonymous newsletter. - Adam Geibel




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