Uganda: September 5, 2002


: The Lords Resistance Army have made ambushes a daily event in northern Uganda, mainly along the road from Gulu to Kitgum. Six civilians were killed in four separate road ambushes between 4 and 5 September. There have been about 10 LRA attacks and ambushes, after the rebels recently declared a cease-fire. 

The latest attack occurred at 13:30 on 5 September, when a pick-up truck was shot up. At least two civilians were killed and numerous injured, including women and children. A following bus was then shot up, boarded and looted.

Even the army is still subject to attacks. The Gulu-based UPDF 4th Division's Intelligence Officer, Captain Abdul Rugumayo, was on wounded in one of these ambushes at 20:30 hours 4 September on the Gulu-Kampala highway. The convoy of two "Mamba" armored personnel carriers took sniper fire, and Rugumayo was the only Ugandan casualty.

On the 2nd, the rebels killed two UPDF Majors and their escorts in an ambush in Pader district. The Catholic news agency MISNA reports that the LRA forces are prevalently composed of baby-soldiers, abducted in the northern districts villages. - Adam Geibel




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