Uganda: June 25, 2002


The LRA executed new incursions into North Uganda on 25 June, while there were reports that they also crossed the frontier into the south, while thousands of civilians abandon their villages every night due and move into the urban areas to spend the night. The latest LRA raid toll in Uganda's northern areas was 14 people abducted and a school looted. LRA groups crossed the frontier south of the city of Guru and abducted 14 people near an open air market in Apach (about 200km North of the capital Kampala). In a second raid on the Lamogi school (about 30km North of Gulu), the LRA looted the World Food Program-donated supplies. The armed guards that the government promised to post at the schools were not present.

LRA rebels fired a rocket propelled grenade at senior police officer commander Marshal Odur's pickup truck in northern Uganda on 22 June. Odur had been traveling to a funeral northeast of Gulu town around midday. The vehicle burst into flames, killing one policeman and an old man. Odur and the six other passengers were severely burnt. - Adam Geibel




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