Sudan: January 19, 2004


UN, US, and European officials are now warning that the Darfur War in western Sudan is creating huge regional problems. The Central African Republics security concerns about side effects is one particular example. The influx of up to 100,000 Sudanese refugees into already-impoverished Chad is another. Though a UN refugee relief mission in Chad is trying to help the Darfur refugees, there are simply few local resources for medical and food aid. As it is, one UN report confirmed that the Sudanese government is not helping transnational and non-governmental organization aid agencies operating in the region. In other words, the Sudanese government is trying to keep the aid agencies out while it fights the rebels. The same UN report says that the internal situation in Darfur is deteriorating. Darfur has a population of around six million, and one million of them are caught in the crossfire. The UN estimates 600,000 of that one million are effectively internal refugees, ie, displaced people. The fighting is Darfur is different from the SPLAs war against Sudan. The SPLA had Kenya and Uganda for support. In comparison to the CAR and Chad, Kenya has a well-developed transportation and support system. NGOs were already in place in Kenya and could provide aid to refugees in southern Sudan. This isnt the case in Darfur.




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