Sudan: October 7, 2003


A late report from western Sudan in an attack reminiscent of Chads Toyota War in the 1980s, several sources indicate around 1,000 men in four-wheel drive vehicles attacked the town of Kulbus in West Darfur state. The attack occurred on October 4. The force drove into Kulbus and shot up the town. A Sudanese government source said dozens were killed and wounded. Another Sudanese government source said a group called The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) conducted the attack. The JEM may be an ally of the Sudan Liberation Movement, the main Darfur liberation group. The reports said the four-wheel drive vehicles were armed with automatic weapons. None of the reports described the weapons as vehicle-mounted, so it is possible the vehicles merely carried fighters armed with light automatic weapons. However, its a fair bet the vehicles were mounting light machine guns or heavy machine guns. In the 1980s the Chadian fighters armed their Toyotas with a variety of machine guns, missile launchers, and recoilless rifles. This mounted attack is another indication that the Darfur fighters have connections in Chad.




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