Sudan: March 9, 2003


Oil revenues continue to fuel the Sudan government's campaign against the Southern Christian rebels, no matter who's pumping it out of the ground. Canada's Talisman Energy Inc. signed a deal to sell its 25 percent stake in the Sudan's Greater Nile Oil production and pipeline project for $750 million to ONGC Videsh Ltd., a subsidiary of India's national oil company. The Canadians had invested $750 million by mid-2000, so despite rising global oil prices it's obvious that they're cutting their losses and running. 

The Indian company is known to have operations in Russia, Iran and Libya with turnover of $2 billion. The Sudanese government considers the deal to have been done with the consent of all and that "everybody is happy". Beijing's China National Petroleum Corporation has a 40% interest, Malaysia's Petronas 30% and 5% is held by the Sudan National Petroleum Corporation. 

That same day, the Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) claimed to have downed a government helicopter in North Dafur. The province's governor (who is in charge of the province's security) and another unidentified official aboard both survived the crash. - Adam Geibel 




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