Oil revenues continue to fuel the Sudan government's campaign against the Southern Christian rebels, no matter who's pumping it out of the ground. Canada's Talisman Energy Inc. signed a deal to sell its 25 percent stake in the Sudan's Greater Nile Oil production and pipeline project for $750 million to ONGC Videsh Ltd., a subsidiary of India's national oil company. The Canadians had invested $750 million by mid-2000, so despite rising global oil prices it's obvious that they're cutting their losses and running.
The Indian company is known to have operations in Russia, Iran and Libya with turnover of $2 billion. The Sudanese government considers the deal to have been done with the consent of all and that "everybody is happy". Beijing's China National Petroleum Corporation has a 40% interest, Malaysia's Petronas 30% and 5% is held by the Sudan National Petroleum Corporation.
That same day, the Darfur Liberation Front (DLF) claimed to have downed a government helicopter in North Dafur. The province's governor (who is in charge of the province's security) and another unidentified official aboard both survived the crash. - Adam Geibel