Sudan: November 19, 2002


The end of Operation Iron Fist? Well, it appears the end of "permitted" cross-border operations by the Ugandan Army. Folowing hard on the heels of Ugandas allegation that Sudan (Khartoum) continues to back the LRA, the BBC reported that Sudan will no longer allow the Ugandan Army to operate in its territory. The BBC report said the agreement wasnt renewed "because Uganda had not given a time limit for their presence or specified where they would be operating." This strikes us as a bit of diplo-hokum. Sudan had set the time limits when Operation Iron Fist began in March, then kept extending the time limit. Sudan also denied that it is continuing to back the LRA, but the Ugandan government isnt buying that. This means the Ugandan Army is now operating illegally inside Sudan. Dont expect the Ugandans to halt those operations. (Austin Bay)




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