Sudan: June 13, 2002


The war on the ground continues, and so does the political war. The SPLA denied that it had violated the Sudan ceasefire when its forces took the town of Kopoeta on June 9. The SPLA claimed that the ceasefire applied to the Nuba Mountains and that there is no ceasefire agreement governing either south Sudan or eastern Sudan. The SPLA was responding to a Sudanese government (Khartoum) claim that it had violated the ceasefire. The SPLA accused the Khartoum government of violating the Nuba Mountains ceasefire and continuing to interfere with relief aid (food and medicine) arriving in the Nuba region. The SPLA also pointed out that the government had recently conducted offensive operations in Southern Blue Nile state and took the town of Geizan. In a follow-up report on the Kopeta attack, the SPLA claims its troops killed 200 government soldiers and took 28 prisoner. The SPLA had 13 troops killed in the assault.




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