Sudan: June 26, 2000


The Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) claimed its forces captured the town of Gogrial in Sudan's Bhar el-Ghazal region. Fighting had been going on around the town for the last month. Very heavy fighting began on June 21, and the SPLA took Gongrial on June 25. The SPLA said they killed 264 pro-Khartoum government soldiers, out of a garrison of 600. The SPLA spokesman claimed another 16 government troops were captured. A tank, four trucks, two 122mm howitzers, and many lighter weapons were also captured. There was no independent confirmation of the battle and its results, but if the claim is true, this is a significant victory for the SPLA. The SPLA could now be in a position to strike at the towns of Wau and Aweil in Bahr el-Ghazal.




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