Sri Lanka: Defeat In The East


July 13, 2007: In response to the loss of their eastern territory, which was about half the area controlled by the rebels, the LTTE said it would now concentrate attacks on economic targets, using its terrorist skills to cripple the national economy. There has been an increase in terrorist type attacks in the north, and the LTTE is apparently trying to goad the army and police into attacking the Tamil population around the capital and elsewhere on the island, to make these Tamils more willing to support LTTE terrorist operations. This shift to an emphasis on terrorist operations indicates that the LTTE is unsure of its ability to hang on in the north.

July 12, 2007: The government declared the LTTE defeated in the eastern part of the island country. The armed forces would now move most of their forces north, to take on the main LTTE force. This was a big boost for morale in the military, which had suffered many major defeats while fighting the LTTE in the past.

July 11, 2007: In the east, the last major LTTE base was captured. The LTTE said it would continue waging a guerilla war in the east.

July 10, 2007: In Australia, the LTTE's top fund raiser was arrested and accused of fraud, and belonging to a terrorist organization.

July 9, 2007: In the east, troops continued clearing out the last major concentration of LTTE fighters, hunting for about 200 of them believed to be in the area of Thoppigala. Nearly 500 LTTE fighters have been killed in the east in the last five months.

July 8, 2007: Off the north coast, the navy intercepted a group of LTTE boats, and drove them off. Three navy boats were damaged, and at least two LTTE rebels were killed. On land in the north, fighting continued outside Trincomalee.

July 7, 2007: In the east, at least twenty were killed (12 LTTE and eight soldiers) as troops advanced on the last major LTTE base in the east. In the north, troops fought the LTTE outside the major port of Trincomalee, killing three rebels.

July 6, 2007: Troops advanced in the east, closing in on the last major LTTE base in the area. Air force jets bombed known LTTE locations.


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