Sri Lanka: Rebels Reeling on Multiple Fronts


April 23, 2007: The renewed war has been going on for 17 months now, with some 4,000 people killed. The LTTE has been the big loser, with its eastern Sri Lanka territory back under government control. The air force attacks LTTE bases in the north daily, and the navy has crippled the LTTE smuggling operation off the north coast. The government makes no secret about its preparations for a final battle in the north. Daily artillery and air raids are weakening LTTE military power, and soon the army will begin going after LTTE bases, to occupy and destroy them.

April 22, 2007: In Britain, police uncovered a huge credit card scam that was apparently carried out to raise millions of dollars for the LTTE. There are over 100,000 Tamils in Britain, and LTTE fund raisers work them relentlessly to provide money for military and terror operations back in Sri Lanka.

April 20, 2007: As the government resumes control of eastern Sri Lanka, it now has to deal with civil strife in the all Moslem city of Kattankudy. This unique town is where many of the islands Moslem minority live. But in the last few years, Wahhabi missionaries from Saudi Arabia have converted thousands (out of a Moslem population of over 70,000) to their hard-line version of Islam. This has led to violence between the new Wahhabi "lifestyle police" and members of other Islamic sects. The government is being asked to send in more police to calm things down.

April 19, 2007: The LTTE has been using more violence against its own civilians, to prevent them from fleeing to government controlled areas. Tamils fear another big army offensive against the LTTE in the north, and don't want to be caught up in it. But the LTTE knows it looks bad when its civilian supporters flee LTTE controlled territory.


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