Somalia: U.S. Admits Taking Sides Against Islamic Courts


April 11, 2006: The U.S. admitted that it was backing, with cash, equipment and weapons, a coalition of Somali warlords that are fighting the militia of the Islamic Courts movement for control of Mogadishu. The Islamic Courts are something like the Afghan Taliban. The Islamic Courts enforce Islamic law in order to bring some sense of peace and stability to the country. The Islamic Courts are run by Islamic conservatives who are friendly with Islamic terrorists and al Qaeda. This prompted the U.S. to back clan leaders and warlords who oppose the Islamic Courts (which are dominated, in turn, by a few clans and tribes). American Special Forces have been inside Somalia collecting information, and is certain that the Islamic Courts provide al Qaeda with an opportunity to establish bases in Somalia. It's believed that some high ranking al Qaeda leaders have already taken refuge in Somalia, and are protected by the Islamic Courts.

Some members of the pro-U.S. (or "Counter-terrorist) militias wee flown to Kenya to receive some military training, and more equipment. These clan leaders were probably also briefed on the high ranking al Qaeda believed to be in Somalia, and the multi-million dollar rewards for the capture or killing of these al Qaeda big shots.

April 10, 2006: The fighting in Mogadishu has died down, but skirmishing and robberies on the roads continues. Some UN food aid shipments have been attacked, leaving several dead. The food aid convoys have armed guards now.

April 6, 2006: Somali pirates now insist they are not pirates, but the informal coast guard for the government Somalia has lacked for the past fifteen years. By concentrating on fishing boats, some of the pirates are demanding large "fines" (for illegal fishing), rather than ransom (for being captured by pirates.)