Rwanda: November 2, 2002


And what else is new? It looks like Congo misled some of its Hutu allies, thereby gaining a negotiation chit or two with Rwanda. Heres the story, or stories, for at least two versions are circulating. Following a mediation effort by South Africa, eight Rwandan Hutu leaders were told by Congo government negotiators they could return to Rwanda. Or maybe they werent told, for one version says the men thought they were going to South Africa. They were put on a South African chartered aircraft. The plane took the rebels to Kigali, where they were arrested by the Rwandan government. All eight belong to the Rwandan Democratic Liberation Front (FDLR). South Africa and the UN (MONUC) have agreed to help disarm Rwandan Hutu militias as well as arrest Hutus involved in the 1994 genocide. Good luck. (Austin Bay)




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