Potential Hot Spots: Central African Republic Disarms Under Fire



Items About Areas That Could Break Out Into War 

June 10, 2009: In the last week, as CAR (Central African Republic) rebels arrived at a demobilization center near the Chad and Sudan border, tribal animosities led to renewed fighting. Kara tribesmen arrived at the center, and began shooting at Goula tribesmen. Both groups belonged to the UFDR rebels, but the Goula backed the peace deal, while some in the smaller Kara tribe did not. UN peacekeepers and still armed UFDR rebels drove off the Kara, killing 25 of them. Several dozen people, including civilians caught in the crossfire, died.

Last June, the CAR government worked out a peace deal with the two major rebel. The APRD (Popular Army for the Restoration of the Republic and Democracy) and the UFDR (Union of Democratic Forces for Unity). Both the CAR government and France saw that deal as a major step forward. The negotiations had been fostered by France and the United Nations.

 One big problem for the rebels was the amnesty agreement the government proposed. The APRD demanded a general amnesty and release of prisoners. They also wanted former rebels, who were not guilty of war crimes, offered jobs in the CAR Army.

The UN does not want Chad and Sudan 's Sahel War to expand into CAR. The Central African Republic's northern and north-eastern areas continue to be used by Chadian and Sudanese rebel groups as a route for moving personnel and equipment. While the APRD and the UFDR have been fighting an "intermittent insurgency" since 2003,  the struggle had degenerated into banditry and tribal feuding. Of late, the rebel militias have devoted more of their time to fighting bandits, especially the ones coming from Chad and Sudan (who see the chaotic situation in CAR as an opportunity).

In other parts of the CAR, rebel groups have not made peace, and still skirmish with each other, and what passes for government security forces.


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