Potential Hot Spots: August 24, 2000


The Organization of African Unity (OAU) rejected a proposed deal offered by the Comoro Islands government to the separatist island of Anjou. (Anjou "unilaterally withdrew" from the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros in in 1997). The OAU advocates a solution that would provide substantial autonomy for all three islands that are part of the Comoros and create a "Union of the Comoran Islands." Anjou is currently under sanctions from the OAU for rejecting the deal. The situation is complicated because a military junta seized governmental power in the Comoros in April 1999. The OAU believes that the military junta now seeks to undermine the OAU's policy and essentially allow Anjou to separate. A OAU spokesman suggested the military government is no longer acting in the interests of the majority of the Comoran people. Sound complicated? Stay tuned.


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