Potential Hot Spots: January 10, 2000


There usually isn't much to over in Equatorial Guinea. The country, a former Spanish, colony, is arguably one of the most forgotten, undeveloped, and corrupt places on the globe. Now, Doctors Without Borders, which has operated in the country since 1989, has announced it is pulling its medical teams out of Equatorial Guinea because of, quote, "manipulation of humanitarian aid" by government bureaucrats. Call it endemic corruption. Equatorial Guinea's ruling party, the Democratic Party for Equatorial Guinea (PDGE), is a front for dictator Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, a former brigadier general who has been in power since 1979. There are more than a dozen opposition parties, all of them powerless. The withdrawal of the Nobel Peace Prize winning organizations medical teams may bring some critical international attention to the rotten regime running this sad backwater.


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