Philippines: Bombs With No Return Address


June 25, 2006: The government is sending 3,000 troops into areas of NPA activity, and believe that in 2-5 years the NPA will finally have been destroyed.

June 24, 2006: A roadside bomb went off in the south, killing six civilians. The bomb was apparently intended for a convoy carrying the provincial governor (who was unharmed). The MILF denied responsibility, and Islamic terrorists did not make any claims, so the bombers may have been political opponents of the governor.

June 20, 2006: Two gunmen killed a Catholic reporter in the south. Two others died as well. No one took credit for the murders. Islamic terrorists have attacked non-Moslem journalists in the south, but leftist rebels also accuse rightist activists of killing reports for religious media because they oppose the government.

June 19, 2006: Two different groups have now said they represent the rebel TABAK (Taongbayan at Kawal). One of the TABAKs say they were responsible for the five small bombs set off around the capital recently. The other TABAK says that is not true, and that if TABAK were to use bombs, they would be bigger and more deadly. Police believe TABAK is some kind of group trying to destabilize the government, perhaps to assist in a coup attempt. TABAK does not appear to be part of any Islamic or leftist group.




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