Philippines: Moderate Moslems Make Peace


February 8, 2006: Government and MILF negotiators have worked out a peace deal. It will involve some degree of autonomy for Moslems in the south. The details are still being worked out, and that may wreck the agreement.

February 3, 2006: Abu Sayyaf terrorists have killed six Christians on Sulu island. The terrorists went looking for Christians in remote villages, and killed those they found.

February 2, 2006: The government believes that Abu Sayyaf is planning more attacks in the capital. Abu Sayyaf only has a few hundred members, and most are being chased around some islands in the south, by several thousand police and troops.

February 1, 2006: On Sulu island, Abu Sayyaf rebels fired two 40mm grenades into any army camp, causing no casualties.




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