Nepal: China Cuddles With Maoists


December 10, 2007: British Army recruiters made one of their regular calls for volunteers, and over 17,000 young Nepalese men turned out to apply for 230 openings. Britain maintains, as it has for two centuries, a force of 3,500 Nepalese (mainly Gurkha) troops. The average annual income in Nepal is $240, while a Nepalese serving in the British Army makes at least $25,000 a year. Getting in is like winning the lottery. The Indians also recruit Gurkhas for their army, but the pay is much less.

The Maoist criminal (as opposed to political) violence persists. Increasingly, the Maoists are shaking down foreign tourists as well, often using violence to persuade the reluctant. The police and army are under orders not interfere, lest widespread fighting resumes. But the extortion is seen as purely political, with the Maoists using the money for personal, not party, purposes.

December 8, 2007: The Indian Army has resumed close relations with the Nepalese Army. These relationships were severed four years ago when the Nepalese king tried to crush the Maoists. Communist members of the Indian government, and Indian leftists in general, were pro-Maoist and got the government to cut off relations with the Nepalese military. But now the Indian Maoists have become more violent, and have refused to negotiate. Time to do what you can to contain the Nepalese Maoists as well.

December 5, 2007: Sensing a shift in power, China has made peace with the Nepalese Maoists. Although the home of Mao, China has renounced many of the revolutionary tactics preached by Mao Tse Dung. Mao is also seen as an inept ruler, who killed tens of millions of Chinese with idiotic economic policies.


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