Nepal: Blockade Failed, General Strike Planned


March 22, 2006: Maoists set off a bomb in the offices of the Nature Conservations Trust, an organization sponsored by the king. The Maoists are pushing ahead with their plan to destroy the economy and the ability of the government to rule. Thus, goes Maoist theory, the rebels can take over and install a communist dictatorship.

March 20, 2006: In several clashes, 20 rebels or civilians (if was sometimes hard to tell) and 13 police and soldiers died. At the same time, the Maoists called off their blockade of the capital, apparently because of complaints from the political parties, and realization that, like past blockades, the army escorted convoys were getting through and making it obvious that the blockade was not working. But a general strike is planned for next month, again based on threats that cannot be backed up.


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