Nepal: September 23, 1999


The US government warned Americans in Nepal to be on the alert for attacks on them by Marxist rebels. The rebels kidnapped a police chief some 400 kilometers northwest of the capital Katmandu.

September 15; Over a hundred were arrested and many more were injured in demonstrations over the government ban on the use of non Nepalese (mainly Hindi related) languages. About a third of the population does not speak Nepalese at home. There have long been non-Nepalese peoples in the border areas.

September 12; Nepal and Bhutan have finally agreed to meet and resolve the fate of 100,000 refugees from Bhutan living in Nepal. These people are an Nepali ethnic minority in Bhutan, but fled in 1990 when Bhutan attempted to force them to adopt Bhutanese customs. The refugees are living in seven UN run camps near the border. The status of the refugees has been a source of much ill will in both countries.

September 2; In the last week, seven Marxist rebels were killed and three policemen injured in several clashes.


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