Kurdish War: The Cyprus Connection


May 7, 2007: The U.S. believes the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) "operated from headquarters in part of northern Iraq and directed forces to target mainly Turkish security forces, government offices and villagers who opposed the KGK/PKK." The KGK refers to the Kongra-Gel (PKK's political wing). The U.S. also believes the PKK has a "presence" in Cyprus. This brings together two of Turkey's thorniest foreign policy issues - the PKK Kurdish insurgency and Cyprus. Cyprus serves as a transit point for lots of arms smuggling. It stands to reason the Kurds would use it as well.

May 6, 2007: Turkey reported that five PKK rebels died in a series of firefights in SIrnak and Hatay. Two Turkish troops died in the incidents.

May 5, 2007: Minor incidents continue in the Syria-Iraq-Turkey border region. A Turkish soldier died hitting a PKK landmine in Hakkari province. The Turkish military claimed it killed two PKK rebels in a firefight in Sirnak province.


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