Kurdish War: July 15, 2004


Turkeys National Intelligence Organization (Milli Istihbarat Teskilati - MIT) is operating rather openly in northern Iraq, in order to keep an eye on Kongra Gel separatists, and Kurds in general. Naturally, MIT has a close relationship with the Iraqi Turkmen Front, an organization that represents the Turk minority in Iraq. MIT is known to have operations in the towns of Amadiyah, Sulaymaniyah, Diyana, Kirkuk, and Erbil. There are particularly active operations in in Zakho and Duhok, which are right on the border with Turkey. The Kurdish government in northern Iraq tolerates this, if only because they want to avoid a Turkish invasion. The MIT operatives have to protect themselves, however, from aggressive Kongra Gel gunmen, and local Kurds who harbor an ancient hatred for Turks. To assist in the defense of MIT buildings, armored vehicles and troops from the Turkish brigade stationed in northern Iraq are sometimes used.  


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