Ivory Coast: October 7, 2003


The Ivory Coast has frequently accused the government of Burkina Faso of instigating the civil war in Ivory Coast and supplying the rebels. Apparently, the Burkinans are now suffering the same intrigues. 

In Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou, it was announced that 12 people had been arrested on October 2, for planning with a foreign country to overthrow the government of President Blaise Campaore. The State Prosecutor claimed that "serious evidence" existed of their plans, but declined to give further details. 

Captain Wally Luther Diapagri (who works at the Trade Ministry) was reportedly the coup leader and planning started as early as in 2000. Diapagri reportedly recruited other soldiers and civilians including another captain, army sergeants, warrant chiefs and corporals, as well as a church pastor. Most of the soldiers arrested last week had belonged to President Compaore's security detachment, before being deployed to other units. Captain Bauoulou Boulibi had served at the military detachment of Bobo Dioulasso (the country's second most important city). The suspects were in custody at a military facility and the case will be prosecuted by a military court. The investigations were going on and more arrests were expected.  The UN reported that an unnamed "African country" had given over $178,731 to buy weapons and the plotters were waiting for arms shipments, but that their activities had been followed by the secret services.

Burkina Faso is a country ruled by Captains, so the allegations are quite serious. The latest coup (also the bloodiest) brought Captain Blaise Compaore to power on 15 October 1987. The President (and former Captain) Thomas Sankara was killed in that regime change. - Adam Geibel


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