Israel: Fed Up and Walled Off


April 21, 2006: While many liberal Europeans are urging resumption of financial and political support for the new Palestinian government, the UN is, like the Israelis, insisting that the new terrorist government change it's policies first. Hamas is not changing, and is desperately trying to raise cash from Moslem countries, as funds from Western donors dry up.

Israelis are fed up with the Palestinians, who cannot unite, or provide anyone reliable to negotiate with. The Palestinians are not happy with themselves, and the rest of the Moslem world is losing enthusiasm for a situation that never seems to get resolved, despite so many efforts to negotiate, and so many deals made, then broken.

April 20, 2006: Israeli counter-terrorism forces continue to make daily raids into the West Bank and Gaza, arresting terrorism suspects. Most terror attacks are aborted in this way, with successful attacks occurring only once every few months.

April 19, 2006: Israel continues to build the security wall, noting that the most recent suicide bomber apparently crossed from the West Bank at an area where the wall had not yet been built.

April 18, 2006: Israel's response to yesterday's terror bombing have been subdued. Three Hamas members of the new parliament had their East Jerusalem residential passes taken away, forcing the three to move to the West Bank.

April 17, 2006: A Palestinian suicide bomber attacked a Tel Aviv restaurant, leaving nine dead and dozens wounded. The new Hamas government, which was not responsible, said the attack was justified. Terrorists connected to the former Palestinian ruling party, Fatah, took responsibility for the attack.




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