Israel: August 12, 2005


Terrorist violence in the Palestinian territories has greatly diminished in anticipation of the Israeli departure from Gaza. This will begin next week, and take the rest of the month to accomplish. Israel is facing a low intensity civil war because of the withdrawal of Jewish settlers and Israeli security forces from Gaza. The most militant settlers, and believers in "Greater Israel" (an Israel containing parts of neighboring countries, and expulsion of non-Jews from this territory), are only a few percent of the population. But that's all it takes to cause a lot of trouble. 

Over two thirds of the settlers have apparently accepted the government offer of compensation for moving to new homes in Israel. But the minority that have refused to move is large enough to cause a major police operation to carry them out of Gaza. The more extremist of the settlers threaten armed violence, and have the guns and bombs to make it happen. 

Come September, the world will know exactly what the Palestinian terrorist organizations are going to do with Israel out of Gaza. The terrorist organizations have made it clear that they will continue their war on Israel, and attempts to achieve their ultimate goal; the destruction of Israel and expulsion of the Jews from the Middle East. The more moderate Palestinian Authority is mired in corruption and poor discipline. Israel says that, if there are more attacks against Israel coming out of Gaza, the Israeli army will return and destroy the terrorists. So the war will continue.




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