Israel: June 11, 2005


The Palestinian Authority refuses to disarm (or seriously attempt to disarm) Palestinian terrorist groups until Israel has withdrawn from all Palestinian territory. The Palestinian Authority also refuses to give up their demand for the "right of return" (all Palestinians who fled Israel in the late 1940s, and their descendents, to come back to Israel.) This would bring 4.2 million Palestinians into Israel and make Jews a minority in Israel. The Palestinian Authority continues to call (in Arabic, not English) for the destruction of Israel, and the Palestinian education system, from pre-school on up, stresses this. Many Palestinians, and Israelis, believe that as soon as Israeli settlers and troops leave Gaza this August, the Palestinian terrorist groups will begin another major terror campaign against Israel. The Palestinians will try to smuggle more weapons into Gaza, especially components for Kassam rockets and longer range mortars, both for firing into southern Israel. Meanwhile, the Israeli troops left behind to help guard the border between Gaza and Egypt, will come under heavy attack.




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