Israel: July 30, 2003


Three years of violence are hurting Israel in many ways, including immigration. For the first six months of 2003, there was a 39 percent drop in immigrants. The drop from two years ago was 59 percent. In all of 2001, there were 44,000 immigrants to Israel, and 10-15,000 people leaving. The number of people leaving has not changed, but it appears that the number coming to Israel in 2003 will be closer to 5,000. This net population loss plays well in the Palestinian community, as it is seen as evidence that the terror campaign and that the Jews are being driven out of Israel. There are currently 6.7 million Israelis (not all of them Jewish), with about 200,000 Jews living in the "settlements" in Palestinian territory. The settler population is growing nearly six percent a year, triple the rate of the rest of Israel.




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