Israel: June 21, 2001


Israeli Prime Minister Sharon says the army has been given a free hand to retaliate against Palestinian attacks. Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Media and Communication Centre (JMCC) announced the results of  its survey of West Bank and Gaza Strip residents.  The poll surveyed 1,201 people over the  week and has a three 
percent margin of error. Palestinians are unhappy with Arab support for their struggle, with 84.7 percent feeling this way compared to  60.5 six months ago. But 70.6 still support violence against Israel, with  only 19.8 percent saying they oppose violence  because it hurt Palestinian interests. Overall approval for the intifada was up ten percent over the last six months, to 79 percent.  Yes 52.3 percent of Palestinians approve the cease fire, while  44.2 percent are opposed. Yasser Arafat is still the most trusted Palestinian official. But his 27.8 percent support is just a bit ahead of the 26.6 percent who said they didn't trust anyone.





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