Israel: January 11, 2001


A bomb was discovered and defused in an ultra-orthodox neighborhood in Jerusalem. The Palestinians have shifted their tactics from large, stone throwing demonstrations to sniping and bombing. This gets fewer young Palestinians killed, which was becoming a problems as parents began to object. The Israelis have also shifted tactics, moving from using lots of fire power (helicopter gunships and tanks) to snipers and hit squads. The Israelis actually have a very good intelligence system inside the Palestinian territories. Many Israelis are originally from Arab nations and look Arab and speak the language fluently. Modern sniper weapons are extremely effective. The current most popular sniper rifle is 12.7 mm (.50 caliber) and can hit someone a kilometer away. The Israelis go after Palestinian military and terrorist leaders. Today, Israel re-opened some more roads in Palestinian territory and crossing points to Egypt and Jordan. Mixed patrols of Israeli and Palestinian security personnel will also be resumed.




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