Israel: December 19, 1999


Israel is planning to pull out of south Lebanon by July, 2000. New defenses on the border are said to cost some 240 million dollars. The pull out is contingent on a peace arrangement being made with Syria. Another complication is the 3,000 Lebanese militiamen (and their families.) This local militia has aided Israel in holding the south Lebanon security zone and already some of them have gone to the Israeli courts seeking political asylum because of fear of retribution when the Israelis leave.

December 17; Hezbollah says it will stop its attacks against Israel if Israeli troops leave south Lebanon.

December 16; Twenty school children were injured when an Israeli shell (fired by south Lebanese militiamen) fell near their school. The militiamen later admitted their error. Israel is also asking for ten billion dollars in US weapons if the Golan heights is given back to Syria.




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