Israel: November 29, 1999


: A Syrian semi-official newspaper published (24 Nov) the long-standing Syrian claim that Israeli PM Rabin had promised to withdraw from the entire Golan as part of a peace deal. The Syrians then declared that they were "astonished" that the US had not commented on the "revelations" of Rabin's promise. The Syrians have demanded (many times) that the US pressure Israel to keep the aforementioned promises. --Stephen V Cole

November 29; On 21 Nov:, King Abdullah of Jordan pardoned 21 jailed members of Hamas after they agreed to halt political (anti-Israeli) activities. Abdullah deported 4 other Hamas leaders (who refused to agree to stop their activities) to Qatar to live in exile. The Hamas movement has been ordered to move its political offices to the Palestinian Authority areas on the other side of the Jordan River, but has refused to do so as this would make them vulnerable to attacks by Israeli police (or Arafat's troops).--Stephen V Cole

November 28; Israel has gone public with something long known in the Palestinian community. Many of the fighters and terrorists for the organizations operating in Israel and Lebanon (Hamas, Hezbollah, Amal, etc) are trained in Russia and adjacent areas formerly part of the Soviet Union. Universities and Arab neighborhoods in Europe also provide support.

November 27; Israel made an air attack on suspected Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. 

November 26; Hezbollah fighters attacked Israeli allies in southern Lebanon.

November 25; Hezbollah fighters attacked Israeli positions in southern Lebanon shortly thereafter, Israel made an air attack on suspected Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon. 




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