Israel: November 7, 1999



Three bombs went off simultaneously in the Israeli town of Netanya. No one was killed, but 34 were injured. Another bomb was found and defused. The Islamic Jihad later took credit for the action. Terrorism was expected by hard line Palestinian groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad as Israeli and Palestinian leaders meet to work out more details of Palestinian independence.

November 7; While Israeli newspapers reported that the Israeli government had given approval for arms companies to sell infantry weapons to Jordan, the Jordanians insist that they have no interest in buying weapons from Israel and will rely on their traditional sources in Europe and the US.--Stephen V Cole

November 7; A recent poll of Arabs living in Arab countries found surprising results:
@ 54% believe Israel will eventually be destroyed.
@ Over 75% do not believe that even the most progressive Israeli leaders
want peace.
@ 81% would favor abandoning the peace process if the Arabs gained a
military edge.
@ 58% would support going to war with Israel if Arab forces were stronger.
@ 80% believe confrontation with Israel must continue.
@ 76% see no benefit from Arab-Israeli cooperation
@ 53% do not believe that the Nazi Holocaust ever happened.
@ 82% show no sympathy to Israel for the Nazi Holocaust.
@ 78% see no point in economic ties between Arab countries and Israel.
@ 87% support the attacks on Israel by militant groups.--Stephen V Cole




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