Israel: November 6, 1999


One pro-Israeli militiaman was injured when Hezbollah attacked his position in Israeli controlled south Lebanon.

November 4; In a $250 million dollar deal, Israel and Russia are building an air control aircraft (like the US AWACS) for China. The Russians are supplying the Il-76 aircraft, the Israelis are supplying most of the electronics. Most of the work is being done in Israel, where the Russians delivered an Il-76 to be fitted out.

November 3; Arab newspapers are quoting "high level sources in Jordan" saying that President Clinton warned King Abdullah of a coming Israeli attack on Syria if there is no progress on a peace deal. According to the scenario, Israel will suddenly and unilaterally withdraw from Lebanon in July 2000, then use any attack on northern Israel as an excuse to sweep Lebanon clear of Syrian troops and to attack Syria's missile and air force units. While no one in the West believes this story, many high officials and leaders of Arab countries seem to, and this could affect their decisions on key issues.--Stephen V Cole

November 3; Israel and India have been growing closer militarily, although the relationship consists mostly of Israeli technology going to New Delhi and Indian money going to Israel. The two countries would seem to be natural allies since both are opposed by Moslem states, and yet India remains close to Russia, which clearly supports the Arabs (who make up much of the Moslem world) over the Israelis. Pakistan, which is Moslem but not Arab, is heavily backed by China.--Stephen V Cole

November 2; Following eight separate attacks by Amal and Heabollah in southern Lebanon, Israel made two air attacks on suspected enemy positions in southern Lebanon. Israel plans to put it's Arrow anti-missile system into service next year. This follows several successful tests of the system. Most of the money for Arrow development comes from the United States.

November 1; Following several separate attacks by Heabollah in southern Lebanon, Israel made four air attacks on suspected enemy positions in southern Lebanon. 




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