Israel: October 30, 1999


Four Israelis riding a bus on the West Bank were injured when a car drove by and someone fired shots at them. Following attacks by Heabollah in southern Lebanon on the 29th, Israel made an air attack on suspected enemy positions in southern Lebanon. 

October 29; Israel is testing the SHIPON anti-tank missile. This is a medium anti-tank missile designed to bridge the gap between heavy guided missiles such as TOW and light unguided rockets such as the LAW. The unguided SHIPON rocket carries a double-warhead able to penetrate reactive armor and 800mm of steel. The rocket is 100mm in diameter and fits inside a launch tube that is 106mm in diameter and 1m long. A complete round with the separate sighting unit weighs 9kg. The weapon system has a 50% chance of hitting a moving target at its maximum range of 600m. While it can be fired standing or prone, it is designed to be fired from the kneeling position with an adjustable post under the forward end of the tube for support. SHIPON has bunker-busting and anti-personnel rounds available.--Stephen V Cole

October 29; The Jordanian Army has begun a four-year project to destroy its stockpile of 90,000 anti-personnel land mines.--Stephen V Cole

October 29; Attacks by Hezbollah guerillas in southern Lebanon killed one and wounded three, none of them Israeli. 

October 28; Hezbollah guerillas in southern Lebanon killed a man with a bomb set off near a south Lebanon militia armored vehicle.




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