Israel: July 26, 1999


Israeli aircraft attacked targets in Lebanon again, firing eight missiles.

July 25; In reaction to a guerilla attack on one of their patrols in southern Lebanon, Israeli aircraft bombed several villages in Lebanon.

July 23; Israeli aircraft fired ten missiles at Amal (a pro-Syrian Lebanese militia) positions after Amal took credit for firing mortar shells on Israeli positions in south Lebanon. So far this year, Israel has launched over 80 air attacks on Islamic militias in Lebanon. Thirteen civilians are known to have died from these attacks, and an undetermined number of militiamen.

July 21; Iran offered to release 13 Iranian Jews accused of spying if Israel paid several billion dollars in disputed trade debts from before the Islamic revolution in 1979. Israel refused. Israel asserted that Syria had restrained the Lebanese based radicals from launching rocket attacks on northern Israel because of the infrastructure attacks Israel made in late June (on bridges, electrical distribution and cell phone transmission equipment.)

July 20; The UN protested Israeli shelling in south Lebanon that damaged a UN peacekeeper facility. The Israeli force in south Lebanon now consists of 1,750 local militia and a thousand Israeli troops. So far this year, ten Israeli troops have been killed and 33 wounded in south Lebanon.




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