Iraq: September 14, 2004


In Baghdad, a car bomb went off near a police station, killing at least 35. Bombing attacks against al Qaeda targets in Fallujah continue, indicating a steady supply of target information coming out of that Sunni Arab city. The car bombs are all the work of al Qaeda, which is dominated by foreigners, and is much hated by most Iraqis. Al Qaeda still has the support of Sunni Arab religious conservative groups. But these fellows, who want a religious dictatorship, are none too popular themselves. The government is not happy with the situation, because the average Iraqi expects the government to magically solve all economic problems and make the violence go away just as quickly. The government is now getting the criticism that the United States was getting. The wave of self-criticism and logical thinking that is sweeping the Arab world, has not become an issue in Iraq. Here, people have long considered al Qaeda a bunch of butchers, mainly because the terrorist bombs have killed so many Iraqis. But all the other fantasies, from the Mossad and CIA ability to do anything, to the Jewish Cabal that runs the world, still hold sway. Will all this turn into a functioning democracy by next year? No one really knows, although a significant number of Iraqis are betting that it will. But first the civil war must be concluded.




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