Iraq: August 8, 2004


Muqtada al Sadr has been forced to plead with the government for a ceasefire. Coalition troops, particularly American marines, are destroying the Sadr militia's. The government is letting Sadr wait, wanting to get the best terms from the rebellious, and unreliable, Shia religious leader. Moreover, many of Sadr's armed supporters appear to be operating largely on their own. A lot of these guys are operating like bandits, proclaiming allegiance to  Muqtada al Sadr while doing whatever they like.  

Despite attempts to establish friendly relations with Iran, four Iranian secret agents were arrested in Baghdad today. The men were thought to be involved in supporting armed attacks on the government. While the majority Iranians support democracy in Iran and Iraq, a minority of Islamic conservatives and radicals in Iran have, by law, veto power over the government and control of the police, courts and armed forces. The Iranian Islamic radicals are trying to build nuclear weapons, derail the establishment of democracy in Iraq, and support the establishment of a religious dictatorship in Iraq. 

The government officially offered an amnesty to Iraqis, but does not apply to those who have participated in killing, kidnapping, raping, looting, sabotaging, bombings or arson. It also does not apply to those who have been arrested or be currently involved in have legal proceedings for criminal acts.




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